Miroslava Goncharova

Age, from: 3, Belgorod
Diagnosis: cerebral palsy
From the mom’s letter. . The baby was born with numerous malformations: congenital bilateral clubfoot, congenital heart disease,
The cost of treatment is 124400 rubles.
Help rendered
Collected 124,400 rubles for treatment of Miroslava Goncharova.
Incoming donations
27.05.2019 — Насретдинов Эмиль, 500р
21.05.2019 — Смирнов Виталий, 112900р
13.05.2019 — ООО Динамика, 10000р
02.05.2019 — Карусёв Дмитрий, 14р
25.04.2019 — кузнецов иван, 500р
22.04.2019 — Якимов Игорь, 500р
03.04.2019 — климов станислав, 300р
01.04.2019 — гришечко андрей, 100р
01.04.2019 — Л Вячеслав, 100р
01.04.2019 — Баликоева Алана, 200р
Collected donations for treatment of Miroslava Goncharova
Charitable Foundation for Children «Children of Earth» has collected 124,400 rubles for treatment of Miroslava. We thank everyone for their help and support!
Raising funds for Miroslava Goncharova
Charitable Foundation for Children «Children of the Earth» requests to help a sick child. The cost of treatment is 124400 rubles. Help Miroslava defeat her illness!