Dima Kuprienko

Age, from: 8 years old, Irkutsk region
Diagnosis: encephalopathy
From mom’s letter. Dmitry Kuprienko was born on October 19, 2010. He is the second child in the family. Pregnancy was desirable, but proceeded with complications, at 22 weeks of pregnancy I was prescribed antibiotics. Ultrasound did not show any problems. Cesarian section was parformed at 39 weeks. In the first year of his life Dima was often sick. At 3 months he was diagnosed with heart disease, then with severe systemic underdevelopment of speech. Only after that we were issued a disability, but every year we will have to undergo a
Curerntly, Dima needs to undergo a course of treatment worth 153,100 rubles. Help a sick child!
Help rendered
Collected 153,100 rubles for treatment of Dima Kuprienko.
Incoming donations
31.05.2019 — Дидур Владимир, 500р
27.05.2019 — Карусёв Дмитрий, 30р
21.05.2019 — Карусёв Дмитрий, 19р
21.05.2019 — Смирнов Виталий, 129000р
13.05.2019 — ООО Динамика, 10000р
12.05.2019 — Антоников Михаил, 5000р
13.03.2019 — Федонин Никита, 500р
13.03.2019 — Сувак Дмитрий, 250р
25.02.2019 — ALEKSANDR SAPRYKIN, 500р
15.02.2019 — Баликоева Алана, 200р
11.02.2019 — Гандзюк Максим, 3000р
23.01.2019 — Гришечко Андрей, 100р
17.01.2019 — Зинченко Татьяна, 300р
09.01.2019 — антонюк владимир, 500р
29.12.2018 — Зинченко Татьяна, 300р
20.12.2018 — Сергеевна Татьяна, 300р
09.12.2018 — П. Анатолий, 500р
01.12.2018 — Зинченко Татьяна, 300р
15.11.2018 — Черемисин Максим, 300р
13.11.2018 — Ефимов Денис, 1000р
13.11.2018 — Шустова Наталья, 1000р
12.11.2018 — Королева Ирина, 150р
06.11.2018 — Гришечко Андрей, 50р
Collected donations for treatment of Dima Kuprienko
Charitable Foundation for Children «Children of the Earth» has successfully collected 153,100 rubles for the treatment of Dima Kuprienko. We thank the donors for their support!
Sick child urgently needs help
Charitable Foundation for children «Children of the Earth» opens the collection of donations for the treatment of Dima Kuprienko. The cost of treatment is 153,100 rubles. Help a sick child!