Charity Foundation

Children of Earth

Enabling children to live and smile

+7 (495) 971-20-44

Arseniy Ryabov

Arseniy Ryabov

Age, from: 18 months, Ruzaevka

Diagnosis: spastic tetraparesis

Immediately after the birth Arseniy was connected to a respirator and transferred to intensive care. He was also diagnosed with pneumonia. Arseny was a critical condition. But the boy survived to live. Now Arseny requires to undergo treatment at the medical center "Reatsentr" worth 62,500 rubles. Arseniy is a beautiful and affectionate child who needs our help.

Help rendered

Paid 62,500 rubles for treatment of Arseiy in Reatsentr LLCC

Incoming donations

29.04.2012 — Попов В.П., 6000р
25.04.2012 — Попов В.. ( Assist ), 1000р
24.04.2012 — Федулов Р.В., 2900р
22.04.2012 — Сытая Л.. ( Assist ), 1000р
11.04.2012 — webmoney ( Интернет лотерея ), 230$
09.04.2012 — webmoney ( Канцыреева Анна ), 60$
06.04.2012 — Черенков П.Г., 7000р
05.04.2012 — Интернет - казино, 333.01$
02.04.2012 — Савина М.В., 500р




Closed collecting donations for Arseny Ryabov

Charitable Foundation for Children "Children of Earth" wishes to thank all the caring people who helped the boy get treatment. We especially want to mention our friend and longtime assistant Vitaly. Funds for treatment of Arseniy are collected in full and as soon as possible the child will begin rehabilitation.


Collecting of donations for treatment of Arseniy Ryabov

Charitable Foundation for Children "Children of Earth" begins to raise funds for treatment of a young boy from Mordovia. Arseniy is a very cheerful and happy child, but he has a serious disease. Please respond and help the boy. All information on the child on his personal page.